Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The Swedish Experience!

Sweden is all about Green Peace and no cars. Seriously, you can fly down the highway through downtown on a work day going at least 70mph and that's NORMAL. But in Sweden they measure speed by kmph, weight is kg instead of lbs, and height is cm instead of feet+inches.
Because most Swedish people (especially the younger generation) smoke ciggy's A LOT, go walking A LOT, eat less A LOT... They are all incredibly thin. I only saw a total of 5 fat people. Maybe 5...
The typical stereotype that Swedish people eat fish everyday is a big fat lie. I only had fish ONCE, and that was on midsummer celebration. It wasn't even real fresh cooked fish, it was this herring that came out of a can... And I had to try it because it's like... tradition. And it was very tasty, to be honest, but only with sour cream. Don't get all naesauos, you guys should try it sometime. It's at IKEA!
OH YEAH, and I visted the LARGEST IKEA. It is HUGE, okay, like 3 stories tall PLUS there are 3 huge sections connected by hallways. It's about the size of 3 or 4 of our IKEAs.
In Stockholm, sooooo many people wear black. The most common thing for a girl to wear (this year's fad) is black leggings/jeans, white converse, and a black leather jacket.
The whole bond hair, blue eyed stereotype is not a lie... There really are A LOT of blonds in Sweden.
The public bathrooms cost money... 5 to 10 kronors, or $1 to $2. That is because Swedes like to keep a clean place to go potty. The downside? Homeless people can't afford the public potties, so they go even more public by peeing in the elevators that go down to the subway... EWWWWWW!
Coca Cola is pretty popular there, besides Pepsi and Sprite... But Coke is pretty much the only americanized soda most Swedish people will drink.
And ice cream! OMG it is SO good there. It tastes so real, it makes our ice cream taste like frozen skim milk.
And because of how much walking and less snacking I did there, I lost a bit of weight! About 3 kg, I'll let you guys do the rest of the math. :)
Alright so... Sweden's immigrants consist of mainly Arabic or middle eastern people. The things they do is horrible. They resort to murder and all sorts of cruel things because where they came from, it's okay to do those things.

ANYWAY, besides the scary immigrants and the public bathrooms, Sweden is a pretty nifty place.

P.S. My grandma told me this funny quote from a girl who was interviewed about Europe: "Ohhh yesss, Europe, that country..."
LOLOLOL, she must be soooo dense...


  1. Thanks for sharing your Swedish experience with us!

  2. Lol now your making me jealous nikki ! I want to lose weight and eat the most delicious ice cream over there! Did you see any cool art?

  3. Yeah I went to the mod art museum, but I got so bored so fast! How sad is that? Anyway, there was a cool Salvador Dali painting. That's about it. But the real art in Sweden is the architecture :)
